Friday, January 24, 2025
Friday, January 24, 2025
HomeGraduatesStoriesWhat makes a good doctor?

What makes a good doctor?

A nobler profession has not been known than that of a Doctor. The trials and tribulations that precede the appointment of the title could, arguably, be considered greater than that of any other occupation. Intellect and command over a subject are not the sole factors that transform an individual into what is quintessentially known as a ‘good doctor’.  Emotional quotient goes hand in hand with IQ, in transfiguring a person from simply being a part of the trade to being good at the trade. Doctors are a beacon of hope for the masses and it is their moral obligation to relay that assurance to their dependents by adopting an empathic tone and exhibiting compassion.  Controversially, emotional quotient is more crucial than proficiency.

In order to persevere through the gruelling years required by medical school, a person needs serious intelligence and determination.  Withal it would be extremely negligent of a person to disregard the soft skills that truly allow a person to flourish in this field. An example of which is communication, it is imperative for good doctors to be good communicators. “Being a good listener is critical to being a good doctor,” says Dr. John Madden.1It is quite a frequent occurrence when doctors rush their patients in their explanation, resulting in misdiagnosis. Many physicians will find that by taking a moment to patiently listen what their patients have to say, will not only aid in making a more accurate diagnosis but also contribute in establishing a cordial doctor-patient relationship

What results in the transition from an ordinary practicing physician to becoming the family physician? Is it trust, comfort, easy conversation, familiarity? The correct answer, all of the above.  On meeting, the patient does not inquire for your medical GPA or for your numerous accomplishments.  Reality indicates that patients rely on the extent of certitude and the type of ambience you are able to supply. “Patients care more that their doctor actually cares for them than how many papers they’ve published,” says Dr. Edna Ma.1 Moreover, a good physician does not back down from a challenge and when faced with discombobulating symptoms, they allow their inherent inquisitiveness to deduce a veracious diagnoses. He must be willing to meticulously research and be open to the concept of diverting from his primal plan of action.  “If a patient presents with unusual and worrisome symptoms, a good doctor should be willing to work to figure out what is going on,” Dr. Doggett says.1

A recipe’s basic structure is flour and eggs and if unaccompanied by sugar, all you have is an insipid blend. Similarly, a doctor with intellect only is bland, but when you add in the flavors of empathy, comfort and harkening, you get the perfect recipe. A “good doctor” is he who provides hope and comfort and also takes care of the patient’s well being alongside his physical. Conclusively, only by keeping emotion and wisdom hand in hand can an individual genuinely find success in this career



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